Comic book art-style, new enemies and direction

Well, did a little bit here and there.

  • Fixed some UX issues with mouse sensitivity, scrolling through and switching between items
  • Added few new shaders to make comic book art style
  • Humans can hear you
  • AI noise approximated using level division on zones and bridges between them (they won't hear you through the wall)
  • Added turrets, lasers and remade cameras
  • Made UI a little bit prettier, although it doesn't look good anyway and will need more work later on
  • 2 small indoor levels instead of 1 giant for now. Will be used for tutorial but probably gonna change a lot
  • And some stuff I don't remember

Changes in game direction (future plans)

  • Instead of pure stealth, I decided to add more fun stuff to have different playstyles (leg kicking, pistol with silencer, no gravity grappling hook that will make you hang on the stuff you flied to, throwing your equipped items in enemies to kill/stun them, sprint and sliding)
  • Game probably gonna be rogue-lite sandboxy stealth-action with few primary missions and quests on the level. Idea is that you have different arsenal and respawn station around the level, can play with different styles and get different amount of reward based on your actions. Few primary missions, more contracts and quests to help you get where you need to, some playthrough stats to make stuff replayable. It's like Metal Gear Solid, Dishonored, Cruelty Squad and Splinter Cell at the same time. 
  • And of course some sort of terminal to manually physically control cameras, turrets using joysticks and button in-game to make it immersive as hell. Probably gonna need some sort of hacking mini-game that happens maybe not on the terminal, but inside terminal with different weird wires and stuff? But it's gonna be fun to kill enemies by remotely starting to shoot at them when they don't expect it
  • Audio. Make audio better. Current sounds are awful even for placeholders and so many of stuff lacks sounds. I need to fix it.
  • Game Feel. Smoother experience, immersive lockpicking and screwdriver usage. Pull the door handle down and then open it sideways. Some VFX.
  • More environmental traps. Maybe simple puzzles with them.
  • EMP greandes and gadgets
  • Maybe box gadget like in MGS? Just an idea
  • Hiding in shadows. Probably gonna be sort of binary system like in SC Blacklist, so game can be more dynamic and engaging for modern players
  • Some sort of small patroling drone that's riding around like in SC Blacklist
  • Of course enemy character model and animations
  • Maaaaybe first-person hands

So that's it. I still don't know what the hell am I doing and just trying to figure out how to make it fun, replayable and valuable for the player.


Build - Windows 309 MB
1 day ago

Get Julia Caesar - Immersive Stealth Action

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